Three Counties 2012


Judge: Mr. B. Reynolds-Frost
Date of Show: 10th June 2012

Photos courtesy of Glenis Peach


CC Winners
BOB at Three Counties was Hyndsight Riddick with the Bitch CC going to Rosslyn Pippa

This was Riddick's third CC, congratulations!


RCC Winners

Reserve CC's were won by Ch. Cscarf O'Cockaigne and Charbonnel Fliss



Best Puppy was Kilbourne Unity with Puppy Dog being won by Kilbourne Usher

Full results available here.

Puppy Dog Ist
Kilbourne Usher

Kilbourne Usher

Junior Dog 1st
Greyflax Over The Moon at Gazeawhile


Postgraduate Dog 1st
Kilbourne Webster at Gazeawhile

Kilbourne Webster at Gazeawhile

Limit Dog 1st & BOB
Hyndsight Riddick

Hyndsight Riddick

Open Dog 1st & RCC
Ch. Cscarf O'Cockaigne

Ch. Cscarf O'Cockaigne

Puppy Bitch 1st & BP
Kilbourne Unity

Kilbourne Unity

Junior Bitch 1st
Beardswood Quintessence


Postgraduate Bitch 1st
Aureole at Chapeltower

Aureole at Chapeltower

Limit Bitch 1st
Stranwith Ariadne

Stranwith Ariadne

Open Bitch 1st & CC
Rosslyn Pippa of Beardswood

Rosslyn Pippa of Beardswood

Open Bitch 2nd & RCC
Charbonnel Fliss

Charbonnel Fliss


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